Young Mom Confidential


“What can possibly be worse than getting fired on the same day I find out I’m pregnant?  Ugh.”

“I’m a virgin.”

“I won a pair of tickets to see my favorite rock band. SOOOO EXCITED!”

“I’m tired of everyone who judges me for the way I dress. Showing my sexy side does not make me a prostitute so f*** off!”

“Had to share with my fellow young moms… I’m expecting my second child!”

“My father has cancer. I don’t know what to do or say. The thought of my father dying terrifies me. Blessings to anyone going through the same.”

“What do I have to do to show my ex that even though we are not together he is still a parent to our children? A divorce does not mean you can live like you don’t have any children!”

“I wish I could find a decent person to marry and start a family.”

“Guys!!! I’m 100% sure I saw a ghost in my room. Told my mom and she laughed. My whole family thinks I’m crazy. The only person who believed me was my best friend. I am terrified! I need to get the hell out of here.”

“I got my daughter a puppy for her 5th birthday. We woke up one morning to find the puppy dead…my daughter is devastated. I feel terrible and don’t know what to do to cheer her up” 🙁

“I regret losing my virginity at 14 and even worse, losing it to someone who pressured me into it without a care for my true feelings. I will always regret this.”

“I’m still in love with my ex.”

“Why does potty training have to be so damn hard? I’ve lost all my patience.  God help me, I can’t have any more kids please!”

“I know it’s funny but I’m in the finance industry when I’ve always wanted to be comedian. Living in the city is so draining that I fantasize about dropping everything, moving to a small town and pursuing my dream career.”

“I try so hard to be a good mom but some days I feel like a complete failure.”

“I can’t remember the last time my husband and I went on a date. I miss our little vacations and dinners in fancy spots.”

“When my baby is sleeping I am relieved but miss her so much, I

don’t enjoy the free time I have.”

“I can already tell which of my 3 kids will cause me the most stress in the future…it’s scary.”

“I wish I could turn back time and make better choices. My life is not going the direction I hoped it would.”

“Today my boyfriend told me he wants to have another baby but I am done having kids. Two is just enough!”

“My daughter walked in on me and my husband having sex. Worst Day of My Life!!!”

“I have a boy and a girl and I’ve been having baby fever for a while now, but I know I can’t have another baby any time soon.”

“Last night we got a new puppy! The kids are thrilled! I truly hope they help me out with the puppy like they promised…”

“After 3 years of practice and failing my road tests miserably, I finally got my driver’s license! I got a few points taken off but I passed! I am soo excited! Can’t wait to go on my first road trip with the family.”

“Why does my son have to throw a temper tantrum every time I tell him not to do something? I am sick and tired of this. Can’t he just listen to me? I’m not asking for much, really.”

“I’m so tired of people who think they’re better because they hold a college degree. That does not make you a better person.  There are people who choose to open a business or do something else with their lives. Stop with your condescending comments!”

“I’m a single mom of 2 boys and have been in a serious relationship for a year. I love him and want to marry him and so does he but I’m scared he will abandon us like my kids’ father did.”

“I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me with my best friend. I can’t trust anyone after this.”

“I’m tired of people giving me dirty looks when I’m out with my baby girl. Yes, I am a young mom but it doesn’t mean I’m a bad mom!”

“I’ve had three abortions and now that I am trying to have a baby I cannot get pregnant. Karma’s a bit*h.”

“I suspect my son is gay. He is 10 years old.”

“I hate it when people judge me for being a stay-at-home mom! I work just as hard as anyone else!”

“I checked my boyfriend’s phone and found out he has been seeing another girl. I’m pregnant with his baby and dropped out of college to start a life with him. I don’t know what to do.”

“I regret having kids. I stopped doing everything I loved and haven’t gotten a decent night’s sleep in years.”

“My parents still resent me for having a baby at 17. They think I ruined my life.”

“My child is exhausting. I have to be on top of him every second so he finishes his homework and everyone is bothering me to have another baby…”

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