Parenting Posts

Pros & Cons of Having an Only Child

Parents of only children have fewer financial burdens such as housing, food, and healthcare expenses. This is the case with college, as well. Whether you can pay for your kids’ college tuition or not is unique to each family. However, I’m a strong believer that when considering having kids, one must honestly think whether the same… Continue Reading

The Top Misconceptions about Young Mothers

The misconceptions surrounding young mothers are endless. While some occur as a result of fear for the struggles the young mom will go through, some come about as consequence of ignorant and judgmental individuals. Yes, we know that statistics do not favor us. But please, treat each…   Continue Reading

Things Young Moms are Tired of Hearing- Credit: YouTube- BuzzFeedVideo

New York Teen Pregnancy Ads

It’s been years since the controversy started. While this is a very interesting topic to me, I never really got the chance to discuss it with anyone. When I first saw the ads in New York, I didn’t know what to think. All I knew was the fact that I was the mother of a 2-year-old boy, whom I’ve had as a teen. I tried to imagine what my reaction would have been back then… Continue Reading